Tuesday 19 August 2014


having been lifting for nearly two years now i have learnt so much about myself, so much more than I ever would from originally joining the gym to loose a few pounds!
I can honestly say that the whole time I have been lifting I have never once stopped being motivated, yes we all have those sessions once in a while where we are exhausted and can barely push one rep let alone ten. but i don't think of this as losing motivation. this is just temporary and you know your still motivated because you feel shit and disappointed leaving the gym after a half assed workout knowing you should have pushed through, but this docent matter because the fact is, that because you think this way, this proves you are in the correct mentality to be a lifter!

having had friends dip in and out of fitness and nobody around me seeming to be as dedicated to fitness and wanting to be strong as much I as am has made me want it even more. I would say this is one of the main things that motivates me, I know that when I walk into that gym I want to be the strongest woman in there and i want the men to be surprised at what I can lift, for me the feeling that i get when I see a girl curling the 2kgs knowing that I can curl the 12kgs makes me feel motivated, this makes me feel better than them (in a lifting sense, I am a very nice girl really) I do enjoy healthy competition and not knowing any girls who are really into lifting means I am always measuring up against guys, this means I set myself very high goals!

having friends join me in the gym a few times and then give up very quickly made me realise that this is something I have a real passion for, I could never just stop going to the gym, i'd feel bored, fat, lazy, and depressed.

Another way I like to motivate myself is by using social media such as Pintrest, Youtube and Instagram to keep up with the fitness scene and keep seeing images and videos of these beautiful strong women busting there asses and thinking, if they can do this so the fuck can I! I will then go to the gym and smash a great workout! thinking "yes one day my glutes will be as beautiful as Michelle lewin's!"
some of my favourite youtubers to watch include
1) Lex Griffin & Lainey
2) Nikki Blackketter
3) Wedges and Weights
4) Haiyen ( thecrazyasianchick)
5) ChealseaLifts
6) Nics Nutrition
7) The Diet Kitchen
and more...

Anyway, i started writing this post about motivation because I think so many people don't know what it is that even motivates themselves!  I believe the key to staying focused is when you find out what really motivates you. when you find the real reason you want to be at the gym, the real reason why you want to be great at whatever it is your doing, you'll stick to it.

You may want to lose weight, you may want to look like a fitness model, you may even want to be a fitness model, but you need to know what to keep reciting to yourself as your doing those last few reps, or as you are about to have a heart attack on the treadmill. you need to know why your here and you need to believe in yourself.

Happy Lifting!

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