Tuesday 19 August 2014

Where better to start, than a progress update!

Having completed my first ever bulking season. I felt strong, fat and horrible. I was at the biggest I've ever been and I hated it, I finished my bulk at 65kg In May. during this I was following a 4 day split with GVT methods included.
Workout A: arm day
Workout B: leg day
Workout C: back day
Workout D: chest day
Rest and repeat.
I would usually chuck in two or three ab circuits at the end of each workout and maybe 30 mins of LISS a week. Safe to say I hated this. I have never wanted to do cardio so much but my training partner wouldn't let me on the treadmill. In terms of diet I was eating clean about 80% of the time. I was eating a shit load. And a lot of carbs including brown rice, Rye bread and oats. I won't lie, I made incredible strength gains during this phase. And I don't think I'd be anywhere as near as strong as I am now if I hadn't trained in the GVT style.

At the beginning of the summer we finished our bulk and I couldn't have been happier. I invested in a new tub of no explode and was ready for some High intensity lifting sessions to get rid of this bulk!
The first few weeks felt amazing as they always do, the fat was dropping off and I was tracking my BF% and weight every week. I set goal weights and smashed them every time. I went from 65.5 in week 1 to 63.9 in week 3 to 61.9 in week 6. After week seven I could see I was on track and stopped getting my measurements taken. I don't usually believe in weighing myself. But it was just interesting to see the progress written down!
As I stand now I'm getting happier and leaner! I like to stay around 58-60kgs. I have decided i won't be doing another "bulk" for a long time, if ever. I believe in staying as lean and as strong as is healthily maintainable, all year round. I enjoy watching my diet and trianing hard, it keeps me on my toes and it's what I'm passionate about,  some may see it as a chore but for me I love it!

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